Projects/ Puppet/ Module sap

Wed, 15 Jan. 2020     Thomas Bendler     ~ 1 min to read


The sap Puppet module provides packages, settings and other requirements for installing specific SAP products.

Module Description

The sap Puppet takes care that the SAP recommendations for installing specific SAP products on the Linux operating system are fulfilled on the current node. The configuration is based on the corresponding SAP OSS notes describing the necessary configuration steps.

Note: Keep in mind, this module is not related in any way to official SAP software distribution nor is it supported in any way by official SAP contracts. This is my private module to speed up the installation of SAP software in a controlled puppetized way, so absolutely no warranty at all!


The sap Puppet module can be downloaded or directly installed from the Puppet forge using this URL:

Source Code

The sap Puppet module source code can be downloaded or cloned from Github using this URL:

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